Concierge Name: Kevin Welge
Patient Name: Joseph Kraker
Patient Age: 75 Years Old
Admission Date: July 12th, 2022
Admitted From: North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital
Discharge Date: TBA
Discharged to: TBA
Length of Stay: TBA
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation after a below-the-knee amputation of the left.

Details of Experience:

Mr. Kraker had a left leg below-the-knee amputation (BKA) in July 2022. As a result, he required rehabilitation to recover from his surgery while also learning how to care for himself and make adjustments in day-to-day living. While in the Hospital, the social worker at North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital helped him and his wife decide on a community where Mr. Kraker could recover from surgery and receive his much-needed rehabilitation. While researching, Mr. and Mrs. Kraker came across Rockville after learning about the community’s wonderful reputation for great care and loving staff.

Mr. Kraker was admitted to Rockville on July 12th, 2022, where he was immediately greeted by Kevin Welge, Director of Concierge. Once he arrived, Mr. Kraker was greeted by the nursing staff, who helped him settle and adjust to a new environment.

The following morning, the rehabilitation staff went to his room to meet him and partner with him in developing a plan of care focusing on his rehab to support his adjustment to a new lifestyle and, down the road, be fitted for a prosthetic leg. The care plan that was created included Mr. Kraker learning how to adjust himself in bed, first with assistance and then eventually completely by himself, and learning how to transfer from bed to a wheelchair using a sliding board.

At the same time, CareRite’s Amputation Rehabilitation Program kicked into high gear with Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler, who proudly carry the banner for this awesome program and are amputees themselves, who came to visit and introduce themselves to Mr. Kraker. This helped him have a more positive outlook on his future and how he could go about his daily activities once he is discharged from Rockville. As a result of this extremely positive meeting, and subsequent weekly visits, Mr. Kraker felt more encouraged to be fitted for a prosthesis and learn how to slowly take steps wearing it.

Mr. Kraker has made great strides in his recovery while at Rockville, and the rehab staff is ecstatic with the progress he has made. He is well on his way to being discharged and returning home to his family.

He is extremely thankful for all the care and support the Rockville staff has provided him.